Tuesday, March 7, 2023

San Pedro "Mom's Place" Estate Sale

752 W. 21st. Street
San Pedro, CA 90731

Wed Mar 8 - 10am to 4pm
Thu Mar 9 - 10am to 4pm

Well Mom's Place has quite a collection.  She lived to be over 100 years old and did she have a collection......We will be featuring vintage furniture, kitchen full, linens, sewing machines and lots of notions to go along with the sewing hobby.  She had a beautiful garden so we have many plants in pots, refrigerator, artwork, books, CD's and movies, lamps, pillows, black stove, kitchen pottery and lots of treasures.  Come on out and bring your shopping bags, lots of hidden treasures!!!!!!! Mona Staso and the TLC team.

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